Here is a look at the new 2 3\4" SpeyCo "BELOW ZERO" trout reels for 3 wt fly line. This reel is sporting my Concept #1 handle assembly
made of independent rings that I will be implementing into my salmon reels as an option this coming year. This new design is very nice on the fingers and a very modern
look to this classic styled fly reel. The reel weight is 4.5 oz completed and will fit up to
a 3WT# fly line like a glove, and with spool to spare
for at least 70 feet of backing. The check is
4 based Hexad and is butter smooth, soft and 100% will be what your looking for to protect
those light trout tippets. I will get some short video of the sound for you guys as this makes the assembly and is all purrr and all fun. Always keep in mind If
you have other requests for new reels or changes to this trout or any
other please feel free to ask. I am here to make reels for you!